Accreditation for English Language Programs
Frequently Asked Questions
Accreditation for English Language Programs
Most Popular Questions
If you´re unable to find the answer to your accreditation question here in our faqs, then please contact us. We´re always happy to oblige.
Who does ELSAC Accredit?
Application for ELSAC accreditation is open to private English language schools that offer English language courses. These courses may be offered online, face-to-face or a blend of both.
What is required for accreditation?
- Applicant English language schools must be legally registered in the country where they operate.
- Furthermore, English language schools must have offered English language teaching for a minimum of 6 months in order to apply for ELSAC accreditation.
- Moreover, a school must have a minimum of one registered student.
- An English language school must agree to abide by ELSAC´s Code of Professional Conduct.
Is there an annual accreditation fee?
Yes. Refer to the Accreditation Process & Fees section for further details.
What is ELSAC's PDI?
The Professional Development Initiative (PDI) is a series of free online courses developed by ELSAC for our accredited members and their staff. These courses aim to improve the quality and standards of English language schools around the world.
How can accreditation be verified?
The public can refer to the Accredited English Language School section or contact ELSAC directly ([email protected]).
How to deal with student complaints?
Please refer to the ELSAC brochure under the heading FAQ for information.
How does the public report a school?
If you contact ELSAC to make a complaint about an English language school, you will be advised to contact the school directly to ensure that you have tried to resolve the matter according to the school´s own complaints or grievances procedure. Also, if you have tried to do this, but you believe the school has not complied with their policies and procedures, then you will be asked to forward all evidence relating to the complaint or grievance via email to the ELSAC office. Furthermore, if the evidence you have supplied is believed to require further investigation, ELSAC will contact the school directly to try and resolve the matter.
Where is ELSAC?
ELSAC is a registered company in the United Kingdom. We also have a representative in Spain and Evaluation Council Members dotted all over the world.
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